Vigor-25 Review Vigor-25 Grade: F Vigor-25 Male Enhancement Review

The guy behind this product go tossed in prison by the FDA for lacing it not just once, but two times with Viagra. His name is Michael Pang and he joins the list of about half a dozen people that have been sentenced to prison for selling sexual supplements. Pang, a Chinese national, saw his distribution of Vigor 25 explode mainly because og George Gordon his chief distributor, and the the guy behind Rize2The occasion – which was pulled of fthe market in 2008 by the FDA for being laced with Viagra. Check out our scam section for more on Gordon and the Rize2 scam. Vigor 25 is still occasionally found on EBay and in some stores, so beware if you have any kind of health issues – it is not a natural product, but is laced with a crude version of the same chemical used in Viagra.

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