Lexaryn Review Lexaryn Grade: D Lexaryn Male Enhancement Review

What is Lexaryn?
Lexaryn is an all-natural male enhancement supplement that claims to treat erectile dysfunction (ED), a common male dysfunction disorder. It even claims it is more effective than Cialis, an FDA-approved drug. But Lexaryn claims you'll get more than a decrease in ED symptoms: it also says it can increase penis length permanently, make erections harder, and safely boost the sex drive.

Ingredients: Lexaryn contains yohimbe bark extract, epimedium, ashwagandha root, maca root, l-arginine, dimethylglycine (DMG), l-tyrosine, choline, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH), tribulus terrestris and bioperine.

Does it Work?: It may work. Yohimbe bark has been shown to reverse symptoms of ED and other sexual dysfunctions, including orgasmic dysfunction and ejaculation dysfunction. Several clinical trials suggest it may be a viable alternative treatment for ED, although many health organizations don't currently recommend it--regular use can cause serious side effects, such as panic attacks and hallucinations.

Epimedium, more commonly know as horny goat weed, may also decrease symptoms of ED. According to a study reported in the Journal of Urology, rats who received epimedium injections displayed an increase in penile blood pressure, which improved their ability to have an erection. Researchers believe icariin, epimedium's active ingredient, increases nitric oxide levels, which improves erectile function.

Not all of Lexaryn's ingredients are proven to work, however. Ashwagandha root, maca root, choline and bioperine have not been shown to improve ED symptoms in any clinical trials.

Is it Safe?: No. Yohimbe bark can cause panic attacks, hallucinations, dizziness or changes in blood pressure. Physicians do not recommend taking any supplements containing yohimbe bark if you have a history of heart, blood, or psychiatric problems.

Grade: D. Lexaryn is definitely effective, but it also contains numerous side effects, including an increase in anxiety-like symptoms, such as panic attacks. If you have any pre-existing heart, blood or psychiatric problems, Lexaryn will aggravate these conditions. Speak with your physician before using this supplement to avoid additional side effects or contraindications.

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